Byverdu || Vallverdu

e2e tests with protractor and mocha.

I have just started testing for the last 4 months and I really see the point about it. Now, writing code without testing it before feels like that I am doing it wrong. The only problem is that get used to test takes time (at least for me).

During the bootcamp that I attended, the tests were written in ruby using RSpec and Capybara. That was really pleasant if you compare it with javascript. Like I want to work with javascript I need to get used it, so.

How to host your blog at GitHub using Jekyll and Poole

Lately I have realized some things, the first one is that I love Git and the version control (commit and commit), the second one is that I love too spending time with the Command Line Interface (talking directly with the OS) and the latest but not the less important I LOVE CODING.

First steps with angular JS

Ooopssss!! Needs to be finished.....

How to do a tooltip only using CSS

After working in a project I have been using a lot the CSS pseudo-elements :after and :before and as well doing triangles with CSS borders. Then something crossed my head, let's do a CSS pop up.

How to start writing Scss

I really like writing CSS, even that I haven't never done a really large project I realized that sometimes you have to write the same rule over and over.

Digging a little bit I have found out that out there is some useful tools to help you with this problem. Today I will talk about Sass that is based on Ruby.